Lack of Transparency from TMU

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say that I’m really disappointed with how TMU is handling this stage of the application process. The lack of transparency and communication makes it feel like we’re just a set of numbers to them. Would it really be that hard to put out a short statement on their website or send a mass email with rejections?

At this point, it’s looking like there was only one wave of interview invites, and what’s even more frustrating is the complete silence on waitlist decisions - I haven’t seen or heard of anyone getting one. This R hit me the hardest because they’re dragging out sending rejections, and while I get that this is their first cycle, it still feels incredibly inconsiderate and honestly, unethical. Other, more established schools with just as many (if not less) applicants still manage to send mass rejections in a timely manner. What makes TMU different?

It just feels cruel to keep applicants hanging on to hope when, in the end, it’s not going to work out. This one stings the most because I’ve never related to a school’s mission and values as much as I did with TMU. I really took the time to learn about their curriculum and how they’re structuring their program, so this just hits on another level. I’ll be fine, but this whole process has been something else. I guess that’s how it goes, but it shouldn’t be so … I’ve never felt this empty and demotivated as I am rn.

Update: Rs are out ...