Weird Fishes is too short.
I adore weird fishes (not a crazy take on this sub) but something that has bothered me for years is its length. I know many of you will disagree and the song certainly does deliver on the “making you want more” front, but I feel like its length can sometimes feel disappointing. The song takes so long to build to its peak and then just ends so quickly. The soundscape that they grow over the first two and half minutes just feels like it needs one more repeat of the form and it would’ve been perfect.
Like, I genuinely would pay money for them to have just done an extra 16 or 32 bars and I think it would be no contender the best song they ever composed.
Also, another take, I get arpeggi, I like arpeggi, but it can feel a little abrupt and take away from the mood weird fishes builds so well. I would’ve maybe preferred it to be an interlude and separate track.
Yes I am referring to weird fishes as the first 3:30 and arpeggi as the last 1:30, I know