It's been 20 minutes and no one has joined my virtual interview.
I'm on the final round of interviewing with this company and the only person I have left to talk to is the one of the C level executives for a culture fit discussion. I was scheduled to meet with him last week during a back-to-back interview session with four different interviewers lined up, but he had a schedule conflict and missed his time slot. They rescheduled his interview for 8 am this morning (an hour before normal working hours begin) so I set my alarm, got up early, did some final interview prep, and joined the Zoom meeting at 7:50. 20 minutes later, no one has joined the meeting. I emailed the person who scheduled the interview and haven't gotten any response. I plan to wait until 8:30 (the interview was scheduled for 30 minutes) then send another email informing them that I have to leave to bring my son to daycare (true), and that I hope we can reschedule. But seriously at this point I'm praying I get far enough with another company that I can comfortable turn down an offer if these guys make one.
Edit: everyone saying not to mention daycare is correct, I simply said that no one joined the interview and I hope we can reschedule. got an email a half hour later that "it must have slipped his mind". Cool, thanks.