Is this fear of God?

I'm 15 and catholic (please don't be weird) and im not SUPER religious. I don't go to church but I am a believer in God and his teachings and stories about him.

Ever since I was a little girl I prayed every night, making sure I said every single one of my family members names and people who were close to me.

I still do this. People say that God gives the hardest battles to the strongest soldiers and im afraid that if I don't do this the battle he gives me is killing off my entire family (yes, crazy. I know. But this is my thought process.)

I'm also extremely fearful that doing something or saying something that strays from God will result in something happening to my family. Is this fear of God?

I'm sorry if this makes no sense, I'm not very good at writing stuff like this, but if anyone could tell me if this is normal fear of God that would be great.