Do Teresa fans realise how differently things would have been for her on the show without the Gorga"s. And not in a good way
First question - what has happened to any other housewife that has spent a period in jail for a serious crime?
They've been dropped from the show.
Without the Gorga's coming on the show there would have been no team Teresa. There would be no sympathetic fans on her side and hating on her SIL.
There would be no Teresa post jail.
If her brother hadn't come on the show the whole focus would have been on her charges and how big a scale they were committing fraud. Fans would have turned against her and we would never have seen her on our tv screens once she was sentenced.
Because let's be honest their rap sheet is pretty lengthly. Most people would get hate for being so unaccountable for their part in a crime.
With the Gorga's coming on the show Teresa was able to turn the focus from her being a crook to how Joey was a bad brother and Melissa a jealous SIL (I'm still actually waiting on an answer of what Melissa is jealous of)
Teresa gained sympathy from fans because of how her relationship was with her brother and was able to avoid most of the questions that were being asked about their crimes.
So all these fans that keep casting up how the Joey and Melissa got on the show should actually be grateful because without them Teresa would have been gone season 5