I just can't anymore.
This is by far the most toxic game I've ever played. The ranked system is rigged, the player base is toxic as fuck, the monetization schemes is predatory, and I just won't do it anymore. I know, this isn't an airport and I don't have to announce my departure but I WANT to. I feel like everyone who's been loyal to this company, and game, have been played. I've stuck up for riot devs for so many reasons in the past and I just feel like a fucking idiot at this point. This company is greedy as fuck and they've imploded this game so many times now I'm beyond fed up. This whole monetization thing is just the last straw for me. It's all about money, it's always been about money. They don't give a fuck about this game and they don't give a fuck about their community. If it wasn't for Los Ratones, the pro scene would continue to die and it would be their fault for not contributing the way they should. It's fuckin greedy and skeezy, skreezy.
Do yourselves a favor, pick up a single player game for a bit and remember what it's like to actually have fun playing a game. Or if you're strictly an online gamer with friends go play something less emotionally taxing and give money to a game dev that actually gives a fuck. I'm so sick of this company and the way they treat their player base.
I hope they release a new champ that's even more busted than K'sante and Yuumi combined then try to sell y'all a $1000 Lux skin. That's Riot for you.