Still about last episode, but a different take
I think it was intentionally shorter not because of the pace and they needed to stretch with long landscaping shots, I think all decisions were intentional to make you feel something.
We got a beautiful, colorful and full of happiness and pain (emotion) in Gemma’s episode, showing how before Lumon, she and Marks lives were full of color, it was sunny (did you guys notice that in two seasons we are still in the winter?), everyone was happier. Then Lumon comes to town, and it all becomes pale, gloomy, cold, lives get destroyed.
Then in the next episode, everything is already desolated, all we see is winter, cold, dread, no life. This is supposed to show what Lumon does to the cities “it take”, to the lives it take.
I think it’s absolutely brilliant that they choose to show this contrast. And the reason why it it’s slow paced it’s to show that after Lumon destroyed Cobels city, everything now doesn’t have a life, everything is slow, people are old, sick, drug addicts, and even Lumon left after they took everything out of the city and the same is happening in Marks city.
This is why people are seeing it’s boring, this is why people are saying it’s slow: because this is what happens after Lumon destroys a city.
It’s what corporate factories do with small cities when they dump their trash in the rivers, when they explore too much of the natural resources a place has. This is also seen in real life, but funny enough, we don’t see in the headlines because corporations have the money to keep everyone shut, just like Lumon.