Manager threatening write ups

My district manager threatens to write up my SM a lot and tells her to write people up too. She constantly tells her all mistakes need to be held accountable. This causes my SM to threaten us with write ups. Lemme tell you some of the stuff.

  • I missed a baristas training.
  • I forgot to mark one box during the pull.
  • I forgot to do a my daily thing, it's like a survey every day part.
  • I didn't mop underneath the fridge on clean play.
  • Our times are bad on the weekends, my DM told my SM to write up everyone who works weekends.

There is so much more. It's everyday. I am told I will be written up. I am essentially getting verbally coached everytime I make a mistake. It's not just me either, they do this to the whole store.

This doesn't feel very great to me. I want to quit. I'd transfer but this DM has all the stores closest to me. Transfering also doesn't fix the issue for my coworkers My SM is thinking of going to partner relations.

Any advice? I feel so stressed trying to not make any mistakes.

Update: my manager is going to partner relations because it's gotten worse and so is other DMs bc of her behavior.