What’s better now, Outriders or Ravenwing Black Knights?

Trying a new list for lions blade task force, and I genuinely cannot make my mind up for this list. Dev wounds 4+ on charge (monster and vehicles I know) which applies for the leader would be great, and even better the strats can be helpful for deathwing units shooting wise. Check it out and see what you think:

Lions Blade Task Force:

Azrael x 1 - 115 pts Hellblasters x 10 - 230 pts

Captain in Terminator armor x 1 - 95 pts *Fulga magna enhancement - 20 pts Deathwing Terminators x 10 - 360 pts

Chaplain on bike x 1 - 75 points *lord of the hunt - 15 pts Ravenwing Black knights x 3 - 90 pts

Sammael x 1 - 115pts Ravenwing Black knights x 3 - 90 pts

Invader ATV x 1 - 60 pts

Deathwing knights x 5 - 250 pts

Redemptor dreadnought x 1 - 210 pts

Ballistus dreadnought x 1 - 130 pts

Scout squad x 5 - 70 pts

Scout squad x 5 - 70 pts