Tomorrow is the big day, ladies and gentlemen! But as happy as this celebration of victory is, and as much as we should all enjoy it... Remember that this is Trump's last term. He cannot run again. He'll be in his mid 80s when he's done, so quite possibly not even king maker for the conservative cause. Point being let's enjoy tomorrow, enjoy these next four years but also stay focused. The cancer is in remission, it's not gone. We will hear about women's rights and racism, war and democracy first as whispers and then as howls. If we beat them again in four years I believe they'll be done for. They're going to try again one more time, harder than ever after this. Let's start thinking of a world post Trump and how to keep our values and virtue moving. If we can do that, it'll be a Golden Age and not a Golden Term...
God Bless America and MAGA