Idea: The game needs a housing mechanic.

I think this would add a interesting level the the game, it would also nerf massive immigration strats a bit.

The idea would be that pops now require housing, their is a law linked to this which changes the housing standards.
Starting law for most places allows slums, which means that pops can always have housing but gives increased mortality and a decrease in SOL.

The higher law means slums are outlawed which gives a increase in SOL and dcerease in mortality but housing costs can become high and limit immigration.

Maybe the highest law makes housing really good and gives buffs to SOL but costs lots more money or infrastructure? maybe a surburban dream event?

Not sure how housing should be built, wether its a building like the others or some kind of effect from another building, (goverment adminisration?).

i.e the laws allow different settings in the goverment admin which then affects housing over time (kinda like how zoning laws work).