I don't want to meet your girlfriend/boyfriend
I’m being doxxed for being pro Palestine
Why do you care so much about Valentine's Day?
What will you do this Friday 14th?
What is one thing you would like to do if you didn't have social anxiety?
i’m so lonely a toxic relationship seems appealing
I'm afraid of everything
You cling to the stupidest things when you've never known intimacy
Why are you lonely?
Having a significant other does NOT cure loneliness
wellbutrin makes me feel horrible
7 billion people on this planet and not one of them loves me lololololol (🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️)
I wish this wasn't all I knew
Is there suicidal characters that don’t kill themselevs
Unpopular opinion
Allopathy or homeopathy?
So much pining
When did you notice Social Anxiety?
discussion: suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary issue. (my take)
Craving abuse
Said goodbye to my therapist. He almost cried
Alcohol stopped working
I wish I was religious
I don't know why I do anything I do