60yr old.
Unwanted urethra stretching?
Peeing at urinals
Just turned 60!
Turned 60
I voted today.
Why you got one
Question for the Ladies
Headed to Upstate NY
2 years ago in Tepotzotlán, Mexico
2g pa is falling
Domingo de slow morning con el café
Non nude family and friends
Viva México cabrones!
Wearing a trikini (hat, sun glasses, flip-flops)
My finger is healing nicely. Just put the acrylic 00 PA back on.
Perks of working from home
Just joined
Option's (Pick One)
From 00 to 000
The answer is obvious
Morning coffee, PA, scrotum and nipples piercings
I'm that friend you were warned about.
PA and nipple piercing