Reminds me of that old video of Hulk using someone's car as boxing gloves
Community Chat Channel!
Marvel is Back.
What do you think it tastes like?
Brie Larson and Captain Marvel don't deserve the hate they're getting, and here's why.
Is there anyway for The Professor to come back
Why are y'all worried?
You deserve the original Shrek design.
How Powerful is Titan Hulk( Tier)? And what are his best feats?
We just want our old Shrek back
What are your thoughts on Riri Williams/Ironheart in general?
Top 10 best Hulk moments
I just stumbled upon this on instagram and I have to say that these designs not only look 1000 times better than the trailer but also feel accurate and believable for the Shrek universe.
Despite Recent Rumors, Popular Insider Claims She-Hulk Will Be Back in 'Avengers'
What is Doom doing to Wanda in this picture?
Marvel Crossover event, Hulk Vs a DC character
What if She hulk Was a mystery thriller rather than Legal Comedy Drama
Which platform is best for The Incredible Hulk (2008)?
New to Hulk lore. I have a question.
six years ago today, on march 8, 2019, captain marvel was released! The film made history as the first superhero film with a female lead to earn more than a billion dollars at the global box office.
Three to protect you while the other six try to end you 2.0
You have $1000 to Build a Team to protect you the rest will try to kill you
Where to start with Hulk comics
Shrek 5 needs the Sonic treatment
They want a Monopoly on Superhuman Violence