Do you think Sex and the City is a feminist show?
What a nagging,hypocritical snake. I feel if you like Dan, I cannot trust you. I’m on season 5 Ep 9 by the way.
Post pictures of your cat yawning—I'll start!
Big business owners (Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk) are acting with Trump despite the Cambridge Analytica scandal and are mocking us right in the face
i'm trying microdosing part 2
her sabah portakal suyu içmeden uyanamıyorum
Do you think it's okay for minors (under legal drinking age) to drink alcohol IF they don't intend to get drunk
Arguments for mind-body dualism?
Is consciousness a property of software or hardware?
Struggling with Turkish home cooked meals
When did you realize you were addicted to technology?
AITAH for telling my mom to "fuck off"
In Cassie vs Lexi, I am Team Cassie
Seks kölesi maymun fotolarının altında bu vardı.
Hristiyanlıkta tanrının cisimleştirilmesi
maNga hakkında be düşünüyorsunuz
Ölüm hiçlikse dinsizlerin intihar etmemesi daha mantıklı değil mi?
Whats the hardest video game you ever played?
I'm trying microdosing
Sharing here in this community, my ink piece. a month ago drawing. will be sharing more soon.
Am I guilty of saying no one should have children if they can't provide for them?
A girl from my middle school killed her mom
Bilinç sizce yazılımın mı yoksa donanımın mı özelliğidir?
Binamızdaki dairelerin neredeyse yarısı aidatı ödemiyor ve bu yüzden elektrik kesilecekmiş. Ne yapılabilir?
I'm on episode 5 of Reflection of You and I can't understand why Goo Haewon only wants revenge on Jeong Hee Joo