Forget About your Mains or Favorites... Which Hero You Think You'll Never Play
Give the albums which you personally have ranked a 10/10.
Favorite bands/artists?
Would anyone want to share some artists that are similar to the keys?
Um.. what??
Did Dan produce in the 2000s?
If you were to add a song to an all Canadian Artist playlist what would you Add?
Just updated my texture pack! :) Any suggestions for future updates?
Can anyone recommend me good long songs please?
What keys song is this for you?
How does a Black Keys fan look like nowadays?
I know we’re currently doing a poll for this, but I just want to share my thoughts on this album, as I’ve never expressed them fully before.
After most overrated album, only two categories left. What's the worst album? I think we all know the answer. Most upvoted comment wins.
Looks like Lonely Boy won best music video. Which song has the best vocals? Most upvoted comment wins.
Thickfreakness is the best guitar riff. Which song has the best music video? Most upvoted comment wins.
Weight of Love rightfully won best song. Which song has the best guitar riff? Most upvoted comment wins.
Help me choose which logo to use for my new suit!
Recommend "fuck you songs"?
I Got Mine won by a mile. What's the most emotional Black Keys song? Most upvoted comment wins.
These Days barely beat out Everlasting Light. Day 4, what's the most hype song? Most upvoted comment wins.
Songs that have more instrumentals than lyrics
What is your favorite opening track on any album?
Fuck Seasonal Buffs
Beautiful People (Stay High) rightly won most overrated. Now, what's the song with the best lyrics? Most upvoted comment wins.
Daily Song Discussion #4: Countdown