Characters who fuse/combine into another form/character
Characters who use both a melee weapon and a gun (bonus points if it is a single weapon that can be used as both, it doesn't count using a normal gun to beat someone)
Characters obsessed with a certain food
Intimidating character is just named after what their head / face looks like
They weren't always monsters, but experimentation turned them into one.
Characters who have more than one pair of wings
What are some things that Super Sentai did better than Power Rangers, and viceversa?
What are some things that Power Rangers improved on from the Sentai?
The parodies from Gintama
Transforming mechas/robots
(Hated Trope) Characters that defy how aging works without an in-universe explanation
Characters aging throughout their series(bonus points if they grow a beard)
Guys who pull bad bitches because they are Gods of cooking.
Characters that love feeling pain
Traveling by joke
When Lucifer is angelic rather than demonic
Male pregnancies
Who doesn't love transformation sequences?
International cast: when the entire (or at least most) of the main cast is from different countries, islands, planets...
Big buff guys who like sweets
What's your guys opinion on ghe VS World theory?
Characters that purely want war, no matter the cost or outcome, the entire reason is their desire for war.
The Major Characters Aren’t Human so Things Can Be Extremely Violent
Lesser known historical/mythical figures made famous by fiction
A Compilation of Power Ranger References in Other Shows. Made by me.
Franchises that have a main universe but some entries take place in their own separate universes (Bonus points if the main universe has a name)