Fortnite drinking
How come birds can fly but flies can’t birds?
You can grow pennies.
I don’t care how “healthy” it is. The notion that we’re supposed to take 20-30 minutes to eat a meal is ridiculous and not feasible, unless you’re eating while multitasking.
Do not fuck the cat, do not fuck the dog, do not fuck the bee, do not fuck the dolphin, do not fuck the baby. Spirits, is there anything I can possibly fuck around here?
Your shits automatically teleport into the nearest toilet so you don’t have to leave and go to the bathroom
Australia is actually a country in the continent of India. Australians don’t want you to know this.
For those who had detention in school, why was the reason?
Americans are unintentionally using the metric system when they say something like “4k”.
What REALLY killed the dinosaurs?
When you listen to the song “Thrift Shop” 20 dollars will appear in your pocket
Stairs work differently for you
You can summon me at will.
10 m usd but all current world leaders become immortal
You have all lost the game
What sensory are you triggered to?
You can identify everything someone has eaten recently by the smell of their fart.
The average age of an r/AskOuija poster is ____
You can fall down the stairs with no consequences
You are literally too cool for school
“Real art”
Will I ever get a girlfriend?
Open world games should take inspiration from 3d platformers and make it fun to just simply run around.
Whenever you sneeze and someone says “bless you” you will be 1% more likely to NOT get sick in the future.