to win a debate while being openly a nazi
Realtors must be stopped.
Pulled this from my first ever tin.
Shaking and Vomiting
How do I fix this?
Jerry’s original dad
Early release
Two plumbers and $5,000 later, the problem persists after 20 years.
Does this exhaust fan have mold or dust? Does it look like they painted to cover something in bottom right corner?
My respect for Al Green just went up ⬆️
So many options help me pick!
Worth sending in to grade?
Todays pick up
So this is why there’s no cards at my target….. The EMPLOYEE posting a sell ad while unloading the cards at work
Anyone else occasionally find pocket thermometers on calls and just collect them
The on call you pray doesn’t come in when you’re on call
Nuisance smoke alarm advice
It gets worse somehow pt2
Any idea on the value? Just pulled it in my FOTL box
Help please!!!
I made a meme because I think this is a fun sub, is this not a fun sub?
Reasonable Inspection Time
So if gunner goes out and balls out against notre dame/Indiana do we start him the rest of the season?
Quote of $4500 to replace this drafty basement door is that reasonable?