Sad doesn't cover it
The nights are the toughest
Opening my work laptop for the first time in ages
Worst New Year’s Eve
Books to pass on
Walk the “funk” away.
What did you do with your baby items?
How has the loss of your child changed you?
1 defective boob
*trigger warning* my baby is dead.
4 weeks..
recs for non-legging pants
I’m tired.
Exhausted first trimester
The last thing you cried about…
I’m only 10 weeks pregnant and I’ve hated every minute of it. Does it get better. I’ve never been so miserable in my life and u consider myself a tough person.
How far along are you this week & how are you doing?!
What are some good Horror/Si-fi Tv shows
What should I name him?
Bark ringtone
Potty training