Who was the best villain mastermind and Why?
Who was the better vigilante?
Eggman returns in the fourth film and he's in love with Amy. What's your reaction?
Where does your favorite character (THAT ISN'T GOKU) stop?
You swap lives with the last anime character photo you saved, what’s life gonna be like for you?
Is My Hero Academia worth watching or no??
Who wins this FFA? (Episode 1 only)
Who from ALL ANIME do you HATE? The Anime Mafia is here to help. You have $1000. How do you spend it
Guess my age, gender and sexuality without looking at my profile
Who's an anime villain so well-written that you can't help but like them?
How is my Tier list of anime I have watched
Which team is gonna win this fight !?
Name me a more powerful character than him
Can any character beat Reinhard?
Hows my tierlist looking
Who is your favorite character out of everyone in the entire show
If little Mac is great on the ground but sucks in the air, who is the complete opposite?
Who wins??
Who wins this battle
What type of socks do you think look prettier?
Who is your Slave now?
What game got you like this? From start to finish
Anime tracks that gotcha like this?
Which character had the most insane RAGE moment?
Which characters can defeat them in Aura Farming?