How long does VIP for a day last?
I abandoned TFS years ago, and finally want to finish the books (replaying the first). Even then I felt like the only Chris Powell lover alive. He seemed so wholesome, soft?
we won’t see her for the next 9 months unfortunately
AI Is Great disappointing
Am I old-school?
Ah so they’re finally aware
Choices PSA: They have a surprise story releasing this month! Here's a riddle to unlock today's hint... Can you figure it out? 🫢
Chat am I cooked for the SOLSTICE (wake the dead)
Day 4: What's your opinion on Elijah (OH)?
How long have you been with Choices?
why do i always get attached to and fixate on characters from books that will never get a sequel
Day 3: What's your opinion on Noah (ILITW)?
Under the highwind, if Cloud knew how to smile.
Do you think Tifa's changes were for the better or did you prefer the classic version?
Is that Dr Mirani, looks like he retired
Even after the remakes people get this mixed up
The Freshman Book 2 - Missed potential
Im sorry......
Some of the photos I have taken so far... don't ask
short hair
FFVII remake background?
I mean come on buddy
Oh how I missed her
Maybe in another universe
Cloud is locked in