Put all Dragon Ball Villains in a highschool, what stereotypes would they be?
How come so many DB Fans get so irrationally angry when people say "Piccolo is black coded." I've encountered so many people who seem to get so upset just by someone saying those four words.
Was that the worst episode ever or are they always this bad now?
T-800 & John Conner VS Future Androids 17 & 18 (Terminator VS Dragon Ball Z). I know this is one sided, barely has connections, but I'd still love to see it. I'd love to see T-800 protecting John some more. Good chance for some emotional scenes.
I already asked the TFS Sub, who's getting the best head?
Who's getting the best head?
The amount of hatred I feel every time I see this bitch ass youtube profile.
In an Abridged version of Classic Dragon Ball, how would you make the soundtrack? I'd probably specifically use 80s music with some Classic DB Music of course.
Need some help with finding the soundtrack during a moment in Dragon Ball. Could anyone possibly find the name of the music you hear in the background of this scene? Would be helpful!
DBZA FANS! CALLING ALL DBZA FANS! I need some help. What is the name of that Spongebob like music at the end of Episode 38..?
This is how you give any DBZA Fan actual trauma with just one singular frame:
Can we just shut up about complaining about the Mario’s madness ending please it’s getting annoying
OG Dragon Ball Abridged: Officer Black's Snapping Moment [Serious Moment - Tried to make it very serious].
The "Who fucked up during the cell saga" tierlist.
You can choose one of these to become reality... while the others will never happen: Dragon Ball (OG) Abridged, Full Buu Saga Abridged, or Dragon Ball GT Abridged.
The Tierlist of EVILLL 😈
What do my top 3 songs say about me?
Couldn't fit everything in one meme but yeah:
What do they all have in common?
Who has the biggest cock (Pet chicken is what i mean)
Each DB series has 5 Final Bosses...GT has the most evil one.
I feel like one thing that disappointed me when I was watching super was the fact that there weren't as many the silly/goofy faces villains made whenever they got defeated in DB & DBZ.
Krillin has a plan