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Weird Ways You Found Some Cities
Re-did Asia after some time and learned new cities in the meantime (Ha, Elizovo, Bilibino, Aichi, Chandpura...)
Settimo giorno del contest dei nomi scherzosi delle regioni italiane! Oggi è il turno dell'Emilia-Romagna. Come al solito, vince il commento con più upvoti
My attempt as an American at naming cities in non American countries
Cities in continents I know from memory (I'm American)
How many cities can I name in each country?
Adding funny cities you name day something (feel free to do as many as you want)
What would you call this country
Show me your favorite flag.
Adding funny cities you can name part 5
What would you call this country ?
What's your choice?
Adding funny cities you can name part 3
Name this country. The top-voted comment wins this round.
99% of Americans can't name this country
Adding funny cities you can name II
Day 1 of adding funny cities you can name
Guess where im from based on picture
Two sillies for two sweeties by somniala
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