Losing weight and Getting Healthy achievements
Last post about my circle city (I promise!), 2k population, 600 sheep
ADS toggle or Hold?
My son won a prestigious school award because of DnD
Do you talk to yourself? Or is this really weird?
Soundtrack used when TSM won
Niji Is Lieing About Selen's Firing | Read It From A Little Birdie's Mouth Instead
[OC] Runic Dice Bue Cats Eye Dice Set And Box Giveaway (Mods Approved)
The anniversary event lasted for 3 days
What Sabaton lyric gives you chills everytime?
Pretty heartfelt statement by Slavic. I forgive him❤️
Dev Team Update: Ranked October 2023
I designed a Suisei themed keycap and I cosplayed as Suisei with my GF
Of all the things these guys would do…forming a trade caravan was not the one I was expecting.
What is a ridiculous sentence that got said in your game that you never thought you’d hear?
Weekly Questions Thread
A Character Build to annoy my DM, not in terms of damage.
[OC][A/H][Frostmourne] NZ-based OCE guild LF Exceptional Players! High Priority for a Holy Paladin
[OC][A/H][Frostmourne] NZ-based OCE guild LF Exceptional Players! High Priority for a Mage
What is the n00b friendliest way to start PvP?
How do you guys get stuff done while working full-time?
Was a filthy crocodile one trick and then…
[OCE] LF M+ Team to play with regularly