Am I the only one still running a leather belt?
My prepared citizen loadout
Rate (or roast) the fit
How am I doing so far?
Low Vis Loadout. What would you do different?
Are these plates worth buying? $419.99 on Apexarmorsolutions I'm looking for plates rated for rifle rounds
My Main Squeeze. What would you do different?
General Purpose Rifle
What are you changing?
Low vis loadout
Do I have enough 556 and 9 mill?
Draw, 5, reload, transition, 5 @ simulated distance of 18 yards
Bug out / truck gun set up
Complete Belt Breakdown
Swap the shoes for Adidas and you could call it Euro inspired.
Y’all got any snow yet?
G45 vs G17 for EDC with x300?
I love plate carriers
It was a learning experience after all.
16" with direct thread is better than P&W
First AR Build (Reddit Special)
11/5 mid-length