Crazy haze
+2 ibanez this month ! 2 years that I was waiting
Returned the Fender Champion 40 and got the Boss Katana Gen3 50 instead. The increase in price seems well worth it. Anyone else have the Boss Katana 50 Gen3?
2nd divorce and I'm completely lost
15 years pretty much gone
Destroyed, little to no days rest. Plz help with encouragement
Filling that void in the middle of my chest, divorced guy O:-)
So cheap I couldn't resist, wanted blue but cherry it is!
EMG passive wiring for Ibanez 3SWLSC
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
Ugh this traffic is brutal
Gibson people, is this a fake?
Fire Updates. Currently 13 fires being responded to
NGD Classico!
Is it normal to want to move and sort of start over?
Al-Anon Meetings
Bagel Factory/Old School Bagel?
My first ”proper” guitar! What burst is it?
“It’s always been important for my guitar to sound similar to my voice.” Warren Haynes tells us why he chose P90s for his new signature Gibson Les Paul Standard — and reveals the secret behind its new “tonal options” switch
5 Finalists for New Soccer Team Name
Who grew up watching their Mom cherish her Corningware?
Any realtor willing to receive a flat fee as a buyer agent in exchange for assistance on offer for one home?
I need help with Windows Font Maker
From 2023… Norman would be cooler if it just sank itself to death with a new arena
Les Paul Standard vs Studio