what song got you through your hardest times?
AITA for not letting my friend bring her boyfriend to my birthday party after she invited him without asking
What’s the smallest change you’ve made in your daily routine that had a significant impact on your life?
Not the biggest but I caught him in about 8 inches of water.
TIFU and ran a stop sign and almost t-boned a police car.
TIFU by accidentally using a "special" soap at my boyfriend's parents' house
TIFU by accidentally impressing my boss and changing how we do things at work
LPT: If you struggle with forgetting items at the grocery store or overspending, organize your shopping list by store sections.
TIFU by accidentally kicking an old woman at a funeral
LPT Tip for Saving Money on Groceries
TIL that during WWII the average recruit was 5’8” tall and weighed 144 pounds. During basic training, they gained 5-20 pounds and added an inch to their 33 1/4” chest.
My sons first catch this year
Nice carp catched on corn
What’s a seemingly small decision you made that completely changed the course of your life?
What does self love actually mean?
Should I keep growing it?
What methods do you have for coping with anxiety?
My girl Bella totally in love with my boyfriend of two years
Traveling internationally with my 8.5 month old