I have not "used it" in months before today...
Defying gravity
My wife and I went to New Orleans last week and spent the whole time with chosen family we haven't seen in years...
Stealing My Clothes
My boyfriend hid he’s trans
Periods are not fun :,)
People who still work, either full time or part time?
6ft trans woman here. Does my figure look feminine? Wishing, as many of us do, for narrower shoulders and wider hips. Yes, I'm wearing bell bottoms, lol.
I'm going to New Orleans next week. I'll be seeing my childhood best friend for the first time in at least 10 years or more...
Are you attracted to men or women
Another woman at work told me something that really helped my imposter syndrome for some reason...
Did you start HRT without telling your spouse/significant other?
I am an almost 500 pound loser.
Am I feminine enough?
I've Realized Something... I have a Moody Pattern that Repeats, Without Fault, Once a Month.
Why is all pro trans discourse only ever about passing trans people?
We're in a war... This is my war face
Had to boy mode because I took my car to a mechanic and I didn’t wan to be scammed or belittled. I hated it.
Each day, I'm becoming more of the alt girl I was always meant to be 🖤
Three Year HRT Anniversary!
if you transgender eat a damn burger... thank me later
I was laughed at today😔
In a week I'll be driving from Cincinnati to New Orleans for Mardi Gras...
Think I Might Cry I’m so happy!