Just bought the Pink Frog Battle Pack. Any ideas on how to improve my MOC?
Work in progress Sentinel Pilot
Purity Seals
Chaos Terminators. Hope you like 'em!
Kasrkin Kill team
My first squad so far!
The one and only, Commisar Yarrick!
Commisar Yarrick lives!
I converted the new Solar Auxilia Leman Russ into one for the Death Korps of Krieg
Krieg Sergeant
Tallarn Desert Raider
I’d like some honest opinions on this paint scheme? Do the tiger stripes work or not?
Forgot about him in my last post, but here he is! UR-025 in a mean green scheme.
Explorers, assemble!
“Shore Scythes” Shock Troops | Squad I
Painted my first Blood Angel (and a Tyrannofex)
Anyone painted their new Cadians in grey? Looking for inspiration!
New Rogal Dorn images. Front view looks intimidating.
'SCORN' is in the air - Check out all of the details within, including your chance to win one of these custom official Scorn 3D controllers designed by PopeArt
Second Squad of Cadians complete! This time with ammo counters!
My most recent Cadians. Now with ammo counters on all the guns!
Folkmassan fastnade i bilpropp efter flygdagen på F 16 | SVT Nyheter
Finished my first Leman Russ!
Just finished painting this vampire hunter
Witness Me! Mad Max inspired Neophyte Hybrids. Tried to make each one somewhat different, while maintaining the feeling that they belong to the same army.