Cross-gender friendships in Europe and West Asia according to Facebook data
How do you call it in your language?
What is this in your language?
As ex Muslims, do you guys think that in 100 or 200 years later religions will go extinct?
Is it just me that cant imagine how a woman looks like?
When you guys were Muslim and living with your families were you allowed to have friends of the opposite gender or girlfriends/boyfriends?
Another meme
يقلع ابو النفاق 😭🙏
#Freefromhijab glowups
احب اشوف غبائهم it’s fun
Is it okay that i still like ramadan ?
This video pissed me tf off
اذا انت لسا معتمد على اهلك ماديا حاول ماتسوي شي غبي برمضان
untouched abandoned mansion
Thoughts on the mentality of gulf Muslims?
Anyone looking for ex-Muslim friends?
As an ex Muslim are you still afraid of dogs or things that are najis
Ramadan, just a month away!!
I made an all 22-arab countries union flag
What are you guys (the exmuslims who still live with muslim parents) gonna do for ramadan?
Things ill do when I leave this shithole
في احد لاحظ قد ايش غرف السواقين و الشغلات في السعودية قاعده تصغر في الفلل الحديثة؟
في فهم خاطئ لمفهوم الإلحاد. المُلحد لا يقول أنا متأكد أن الله غير موجود لهذا أنا لا أؤمن بوجود الله. الملحد يقول لا يوجد برهان على وجود الله لهذا أنا لا أؤمن بوجود الله.
Why do Muslims hate jew so much?
The legendary Muslim apologist counter argument about Muhammed and Aisha