How To Trade In Humans For Water
Yesterday, I kicked a baby. Today, I am going to kick a _______. 🦵
Never touch the nuclear ____, Ouijia!
Spirits, how will Elon Musk die?
What country was this before the USSR?
erm guys, can someone ID these two flags in the background???
They have webkinz back! What should I name my first pet?
T-Series vs. _____
ALPHABET WITH OUIJA IS COMPLETE! Spirits, look upon your work and pass judegment!
Im awful at explaining but, whats it called when multiple countries make one?
Weird face-looking thing in my White KitKat Chunky
Hey! I wrote you song! It goes a little something like this: ____ ___!
George Washington never heard the word “Hello”
What do we think about the letter N?
Is Garry Kasparov fucking welcome here?
"RIP to Boris Spasky. Checkout my book tho."
Which opening did Kasparov use?
Waluigi's favorite band is ___________
my boobs are big. is that ok?
Is my friend FUCKING welcome here?
American trans girls have no idea how bad they have it
My girlfriend wants to _____ me!
Is Hakim welcome here?