What’s your Dad’s favourite Dad joke?
Best Eurodance songs and artists from your country
Who are your favorite non-British comedians or comedic actors?
Daily Slow Chat
Why aren't there any large tropical islands in the Gulf, the way there are in the Caribbean?
What’s going on with Portugal?
How feasible would the construction of a bridge between Bali and Java be?
Any other countries where the Capital is small but next to a huge city?
What would you pay for with a debit card instead of a credit card?
In what part of the Spanish speaking world would people say "tambieng" instead of "también"?
Most of the world is glad Donald Trump is back, says David Lammy
Countries that have or had communist governments 🚩
Immigrants to the US only come from “bad” countries because citizens of “good” countries would be taking a step backward
Q&A weekly thread - January 20, 2025 - post all questions here!
Why isn't the UK the richest nation after having exploited India and Africa for hundreds of years?
When can I go to the museum of national history at tring so that it’s NOT filled with screaming children?
When did you last hear someone quote Little Britain?
Does your country have an equivalent to Häagen-Daz in terms of branding? And by that I mean a company with a foreign sounding name kept for general positive connotations with the country(region) and not authenticity?
Who is the most detached from reality/delusional public person in your country?
Anyone else had a lighter skin tone as a child ?