Glume si discuții deocheate la serviciu. Flirt sau nu?
This deserves more attention [When fate finds us]
Looking for a manga I read a few years ago
Caz de malpraxis (allegedly ) veterinar
Can someone please explain the context behind the pictures here?
Cum sa slăbesc?
Let's listen and judge.
Ce rasa e?
Nostalgie. Copilarie
“Your Majesty, please don’t kill me again.” What's a character/s is mischaracterize and/or hated on for no reason in your opinion?
Which character made you think "oh what a waste of a beautiful face"?
My sphynx's third eyelid is stuck on his right eye after a full wash. Ear, nail clipping and bath. He now vomits and had diarrhea.
I’ve recently discovered I like FL/MLs who had past relationships
Motan obraznic
Vreau să mă vindec de cumpăratul in exces
Reddit, amenintari cu moarte/rapire si analfabetismul legat de tehnologie si Internet
Instead of a loser becoming a villainess, how about a villainess becoming a loser?
despartire de ziua mea
What series did you drop because the art got worse?
Ode to the Golden Child
Iubitul meu nu vrea sa calatorim
Unde mai poți testa niște parfumuri?
Idei de amenajare pentru masini de spalat care nu se incorporeaza
Is there an OI from the Mary Sue's pov?