Nadine vs Nathan (yes ik its been years)
I once dated a guy who "aspired" to be a Cab Driver…
ДЕЛЯН ПЕЕВСКИ е против даването на пари за Украйна, трябва да отиват за българите, поясни той.
Коя е първата игра, която ви накара да осъзнаете, че игрите могат да бъдат страшни?
Напускам България завинаги поради несправедливост и корупция.
Thoughts on the new Justice League Unlimited series?
Is it official? Have they really been erased from the DC universe? I've done a lot of research and all I can find are conflicting opinions and sources, but there is no official explanation.
Tbh after thinking I can see the new 52! Raven as a unique design. I honestly kinda prefer it over Rebirth or her new design
[Other] DCUI Ultra now offering monthly subscription
Do you guys think this is true?
Same with Hal Jordan, Terry McGinnis, Johnny Blaze, and pretty much any other white legacy character.
Meanwhile... We need someone who can do at least 1/5th of that...
Kvara vs Lyon
Logo and plot for Starfire
Why has Raven’s design drastically changed?
Why has Ravens design drastically changed?
Which characters do you feel have been watered down over the years?
Her real name is Raven, not Rachel (NTT #16/Raven: Daughter of Darkness #12)
CMV: Жените с прилепнали клинове
Beautiful Raven
[Discussion] In your opinion, what are some cliché things in DC Comics?
since this keeping coming up on this sub, what would be your idea for a brand new Teen Titans cartoon? (You can't say a revival to the 2003 one)
Raven should be the Jean Grey of DC but DC Comic writers doesn’t know how to handle her character
Told the girl I love we won't see each other again
Which version of Terra did you prefer?
Защо те могат, а ние не?