Letting entirely new lvl 1-5 players play Versus is a horrid idea because it is a toxic introduction to the game (that is mostly PVE) and it is a burden on older players.

Let me clearly state that I see no intrinsic value in being amazing at a videogame. "A man who can catch flies with chopsticks is still just a man who can catch flies with chopsticks".

A large portion of the playerbase at least know the absolute basics of the game, or at least one class. Even then, most people do not play legendary or cataclysm and there's nothing wrong with that.

But VERSUS is ten times worse than even cataclysm because there's competent players behind the rats. and tryhard teammates on the heroes side. You get the worst of all worlds.

I've played with over 20+ lvl1 players and I always ask "Is this your first match?" and more than half say yes. I cannot think of a worse introduction to Vermentide. Anyone who've played grabber-rat knows this, how easily you can wipe an entire team by abusing their instinct to help eachother (which is usually the core aspect of this game).

Meanwhile I as invis Krub/Dwarf or sprinting elf etc. plus 1 other person clear the entire map whilst the lvl 1-5 people have been dead for 90% of the map.


Have it so that an entirely new player who wants to play versus gets asked "Is this your first play of 'this type of game X'." or whatever. Have it recommend "You should probably play a basic godamned map to learn even the rudimentary basics". If they answer "No" on all things then fine, let them play what they want to play and let them into versus: I mean over time you'll get them both in your team and against your team so doesn't matter for us average players.

My point is, give them a fun entrance into the amazing parts of this amazing game. Versus is not that. I like versus, I think it is a great addition. But dear gods is it unfair to EVERYONE when clueless people are thrown into the puddle.