President Trump holds notes on the pricing of Tesla vehicles as he speaks at the White House
Please chat I need it
I have no idea what to put as a title
Avowed better than DA: Veilguard?
Poland made this promo video for their upcoming EU presidency
A reason to wake up
Stalkers are coming after my children and Reddit is enabling them
Female-Only Gym Owner Faces Backlash for Excluding Trans Women: What's you're opinion on this?
How do you Finland?
Anon tries to flirt
Sweden to kill 87 Eurasian lynx despite complaints to EU Commission
Inte bra för Svenskarna om de blir minoritet och Sverige ett muslimskt land
Armén och Södra skånska regementet P7 rekryterar nu soldater - kvinnor och män - till 71:a bataljonen, som i dagsläget har huvudsaklig inriktning att bemanna Sveriges bidrag till den multinationella brigaden i Lettland, LNLV26 (tidigare FLF).
Quality decline
No one will fall, if we stick together! (credit: nstuch120)
Vad fan håller Kanye på med 💀
Props to him for thinking outside the box
Mass Effect blackpill from a lonely person
1.99 Pint of Florida Strawberries. No one was touching them.
As ugly as the game can be at times, it can also be prodigiously atmospheric and beautiful.
Tre frågor om bojkott av amerikanska varor – har det effekt?
Swedes launch boycott of US goods in response to recent policy shifts - Euronews
Amerikanska varor
Podden Bilar med sladds stöd till Musk och Tesla
H3 gets a 30day BAN for rerunning the Hasanabi content nuke for "glorifying extreme violence"