Which players from the 90s would have the most trouble transitioning to today’s game of basketball?
Which extremely popular actors and actresses do you think might never win an Oscar not even an Honorary one ?
If Beard wasn’t taking the piss, how do you think Beard got his triple citizenship?
Who is the best “best friend” in TV history?
Is Maxx right?
Did MJ have to match a GOAT resume template before he was considered the GOAT?
name a forgotten/underrated 20+ ppg player.
What did Jordan’s fanbase look like in the 80s and 90s? I know most famous athletes have fans that transcend generations, but it’s still concentrated on a certain group or demographic. Was it similar to Messi or Ronaldo today?
What should the Pats do at 4 if Campbell is potentially a guard?
Who would you rather in their prime?
Why is Penny Taylor so criminally underrated in the US?
If Social Media had existed then, which players from the 80s-early 2000s would have had a different public perception?
Was there an athlete that got crucified the way LeBron did for going to Miami in 2010? Some will say KD but I feel like those people must be young cause in those first 2 years in Miami, No athlete I could remember got hated as much as Bron did
[Ryan Fitzpatrick] “The Jets facilities were the nicest of my 9 teams by a long shot…”
Who is a player that will most likely be a 3rd round pick or worse... that you are certain is going to actually be a great NFL player?
Who's the BIGGEST "What If" Player in NFL History?
Why do you think some players just never get signed again
Which of these old school QBs do you think would do the best in the modern NFL?
What needs to be done to save ESPN in your view?
Bills fans on their way to get rid of the only real RB we have had in a decade
Which Era Wins?
What is one sitcom character you wish had never been created?
What will the 2024-25 season be remembered for?
Most Underrated Players in nba history no particular order.
What teams in history come to mind?