With 10 weeks left how many of you have actually started revising
Help for revision
Kuroko's basketball has one of the most comforting last episodes
I did bad in my mocks
What do i do
Which Kuroko are you today?
‘My Eyes’ Just Got Even Deeper Holy Shit
My new favorite pic of Aomine
What is the Craziest thing you’ve Done for Kurokos no basket (KNB)?
If any of the characters from Kuroko's Basketball would play a different sport, which ones would they play?
Akashi as Twins?
1v1 who wins
Who’s the strongest duo out of these?
Tier list of the cooking ability of the people we have seen or hear cook
drawing i did? it was in my sketchbook, until i had the smart idea to rip it out
Creative match ups: Akashi and midorima vs aomine and kise who winning in a game first to 21?