Which games do you wish you could experience for the first time again?
Favourite video game robots?
Who’s the best-. Forget that Who’s your favorite player?
aomine vs Akashi argument . (Read description if you want my opinion)
Now that season 6 is fully out, where does it place in the overall rankings of the seasons?
Thoughts on sensei wolf whole of season 6
I made Murasakibara earrings out of the little charms I bought
What if question.
Not the best rivalry but your personal top 3 rivalry’s of all time in fiction.
I’m stuck on what to watch at all. Here’s the only anime i watched fully.
Is red skull still playable in any decks? Never see him at all anymore
Cobra Kai…Never Dies. I will miss this show so much.
Rate these cards
four way battle all in one huge brawl who’s winning
Should I get him? I don’t have galactus
So I took a break from marvel snap right before the symbiote season who should I get first? Or just whoever is good?
Anyone remember this gem
What are some games or sequels that were amazing but underrated? (These games are just random games I think is underrated)
Could doomsday beat these marvel characters in 1v1. (Not in order)
How far silver surfer going in 1v1.
How far could Star killer go in in 1v1s.
Thoughts on Star killer?
Alright let’s go, strength timeeeee
Me August : Master Roshi
How strong would your favorite character be if they locked the fuck in?