Any offers?
Giving away a sv popstar chica cuz I'm bored
bro is dropping like CRAZY
I believe the kids call this…. Cooking??
Got him
Which shall I choose?
Crazy yield from endless night 4.
did this trade last night
Is this going to be the event endless unit
Lf this trade!!!
LF offers (Rare)
What is the best unit in general for 9k in team with purple and gravelord
Anyone offer?
Who can do this trade
whats the rarest unit yall own
Is this rare? I just summoned it
did everyone decide to delete then or something there were 200+ a couple hours ago
Insane luck
Why does this have to be my first vengeance
for people who dont know dark frostbear is a 1/100000 chance to get in christmas summons.
Lf offers. Not trading him just yet, but I do want to know what kind of offers he can get
Stocking up corrupted for 3x :-0