I hit Diamond and i feel nothing
This is a Dylan Jadeja appreciation thread.
Phase Rush on Bruisers/Tanks is the equivalence of old Lethal Tempo on short ranged champions like Vayne
Phreak addressing ADC role (bot lane) that it is "not weak", according to survey "worst polling role in terms of fun" and (main) solution is to nerf Support
I've never felt less incentive to play the game
Game says "reconnecting" while my internet is absolutely fine
The actual Yun Tal Changes
10% AA speed on Yun and 5% more armour pen. on LDR/MR while making them more expensive is not buffing anti-tank optionality
[PBE datamine] 2025 January 14: various champions, Yun Tal, Domination Runes, and Swiftplay changes
RATIRL/Yamato: Atakhan is a "toxic mechanic" - How is that fun? How is that looking competitively reputable?
Reasonable improvements marksman players anticipate without making them overpowered for S15
Did you enjoy split 3?
Why do my ranked games feel so bad right now
Humzh with 24 kills Draven 6 items vs bruisers and tank late game (551 LP Master)
EUW challenger role representation
Thebaus about why ADCs are actually very weak right now
August on ADC’s current situation
u.gg is so bad
Reptile responds to the reaction of his "clip against Tahm Kench"
ADC 2024 Moment
Uzi surrenders after dying 2 v 1 to Maokai top who tanked 7 turret shots.
RATIRL plainly explains the issue with his champion Twitch
Late game Jinx damage (tanks are not broken at all as long as you build LDR)
Meteos about the state of Solo Q (Ranked)
Headhunter Caitlyn, what do you think about this skin ?