Had a dream me and Vladimir Zhirinovsky were in a Spanish bunker and I was exercising for some reason.
The Terminally Misinformed Strikes Back
Don't Dead Open Inside
Had a dream Trump renamed the Presidency to being 'The Big Kahuna'
Had a dream i saw this
Had a dream where Cory Booker insisted that the thumbs up gesture meant you were a Christian Nationalist
Dreamt that instead of actually doing a discussion assignment for school, I ranted about how much I love Neo-Eurasianism and Aleksandr Dugin.
Had This dream. Context in comments
Congress to introduce bill that would allow Trump to serve a third term
dreamed a while back that we had a "settings menu" we could enable our "features" and i woke up angry and jealous because i couldn't toggle the "fly" setting but everyone else could
Well, it appears that Israel and Hamas have reached an agreement that will largely end the war in Gaza. What will Israel do with Gaza now? There are 16 options. (4x4 wojak compass)
Had a dream this was the 2028 election map.
I had a dream where it was discovered that there was a pyramid on the Moon, and then the "Lunar Pyramid Army" planned to invade Earth
Woke up with this image clearly in my head
Trying to get a comment from a person identifying as each ideology, part 3!
Had a dream where I made this meme and people started getting mad at me and calling me a crypto bro.
Had a Simpsons dream that Channel 6 news was changed to "The Ultra Great Brockman Show," the change was so umpopular the studio was closed.
Saw this meme while falling asleep
Now all that's left are the Libertarians
A reminder of this absolute banger of an infographic. #FeudalismGangRiseUp
Another way of looking at the feudalist system with law-bound royals and aristocrats.
Nazbol gang does not approve
Not all class and nation is created equal
"Not all class and nation is created equal" update
Because Homofash did a tierlist, National Feminism also did a tierlist