So I just discovered something...
coaxed into being morally correct
What type of zombies are called
Do you not get anything?
Does anybody hate when someone claims that lemon demon was from fnf??
My friend mentioned the video felt like a peak soul monologue, so I acted accordingly.
almost failed the quick time event there
Making a hat concept and before I move into further detailing I just want some opinions on if I should add anything. It will be called "People = Ash".
Reworking Mega Grow Plants! (Probably too strong)
How many of you play as both plants and zombies?
cosmoss killed himself (and whenever cosmoss kills himself, cosmic scientist gets *slightly* bigger)
Coaxed into franchise naming tropes (I hope i did this right)
I'm glad they were a human)
Invincible war OC
Favorite Newgrounds character?
A few nights ago, I had a really eerie dream.
what are he'm in cabinet man
Has this happened to anyone else?
Context in body text
Guys I have a theory
Am I going crazy, or is the projector sound effect in this Family Guy clip the exact same one as TF2's?
Name A Better Duo I’ll wait..