What’s your biggest mon!?
show Ur first 15 shinys
Dmax Battles Shiny Let’s see them!
Best way to get XL candies to power up this fella?
how many hundo legendaries do you have
How many 4* dynamax do you have?
Let’s see your highest CP pokemon
How was everyone’s Gmax day? 😏
My first shundo
Dudunsparce leaked??
Whats your hundo legendary count at?
What’s your lightest dialga?
Anti-Brag - has anyone got more catches (over 80,000) with 0 Shundos? Let me know below 😂
Blue gym
How many Hundo duplicates do you have?
Show me your punny nicknames
Should I purify?
What was everyones first shiny legendary?
My first shiny from a raid
First ever shundo/shlundo! Name suggestion?
2 in 1 day. How many did you get this month?
Who’s the Pokémon you have the most candy for? (Not a brag just curious)
What’s your most useless Hundo? This is mine
What’s your top 15 (4*)?
how old are you?