type "dutch wants me to ... " and let the autocorrect finish the rest
[Red Dead Redemption 2] My first plat!
(SPOILERS) Who did you guys romance? If anyone.
What is the hardest part of getting 100% in rdr2
Do the animals in Guarma count for the Zoologist and Skin Deep throphies?
Blue stain on the bottom of the Portal - What could it be?
Finally joined the club!!!
What’s the best Open World Game to play on the Portal? The comment with the most upvotes will be added!
Favourite game meme
Ideias para nome
Are there people that actually are anxious to talk to siblings , parents, cousins , well basically family?
What was your first PlayStation, and what was the first game you played on it?
Need help please! Where is the Pellé Pearl Necklace and the Bonnard Pearl Ring?
Customized My PS5 Controller with a Red Dead Redemption Shell – What Do You Think?
[discussion] What platinum are you working on?
Finally got the 100% 🙏 Excited (and scared lol) to go for the plat now!!