Asking the dudes, how do y’all handle this?
How do men deal with a break up if the woman is the one who betrayed them and broke up with them or cheated?
Practice: why do drivers on an out lap fight cars on a hot lap. Are they stupid?
I wanna die
My 1st GT4 race and I went 17th to 1st!!!!
Girlfriend cancelled our anniversary dinner to hangout with a friend she’s told me she doesn’t even like.
How Do You Know If You Like Someone or If It’s Just Lust?
Men, do you look for signs of interest when approaching a woman in a social setting or no?
Lyn retirement
Dash in opposite direction
Mordors Minions [4000] #90LRPCJ8
Why do women react negatively when a guy is nervous?
Can anyone else relate? 😆
Just bought was it worth it?
26F: Honestly, I feel like working out has made me look boxy and big and I genuinely think I’m ugly now, plus I hate my nose and smile so…
I cheated on my bf and don’t necessarily feel bad.
Guys! Has a girl ever turned you off so much you stop dating?
Ok you are in charge... how do we limit/eliminate the fake injury to stop the offense epidemic?
Is it considered a taboo to have intimate moments with your ex rather than having a one night stand ?
What are your main issues with this top 50 ranking?
Girlfriend of almost 5 years (this Wednesday) broke up with me
I am terrible at talking to males all of the sudden...
Are there underdogs you would never root for?
What does being in love feel like?
First date last night, went really well until he kissed me at the end