You monster! What turns you on? Flesh-colored non-fruit shaped people? Like this one?! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!
Been paid...
This is all stuff I wanted to do when I was an imagineer at Disney but was told my ideas weren't family-friendly.
Images you can hear
Oh God! I poo'd!
I believe in Communism. Rom-communism, that is. If Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan can go through some heartfelt struggles and still end up happy, then so can we.
And so we say goodbye to our dear old friend, Walter. Who was also qualified to ride a motorcycle! Amen... Now let's raffle off his stuff! First up... Some kinda crappy little paddle-boat...
Now for my payment... HONK HONK! Pleasure doing business with you.
Let's play hide and don't seek. I'll hide in my plate room and you don't seek me. We know the game is over when you've made me dinner.
Don't You Dare Settle For Fine
YES! Oh there is no downside to this drug! So do you guys want to get some steaks at the Brown Derby?
Please give me some rice. I'll do anything. I'll make you feel good.
Stan, I think we should get Hayley and Bailey vaccinated.
Don't worry about time. Let me worry about time... Shit! Shit! Dammit! We're so fucking late!
You Had Me At Coach
Here, let me wipe your seat off for you.
Coat room sex huh, did you take off his pants and jacket?
Bill you ever pull it in the great big blue? Hey don't judge. Wipe that look off my face.
I don't know, Stan. I think what she needs right now is our love and support... Shoot her! Shoot her in the face!
Wait! I gotta put the meat loaf in the oven first. You go upstairs and sink-wash your junk.
Jail?! She'll never survive! Tiny cells! The gangs! Getting shanked in the cafeteria! The first couple of stabs break the skin, and then they really drive it in there! And my baby's all "AHH! You bitch, I'll kill you!"
I am not your secretary... Now I am.
You know how they take kidneys out?
Why are you so mean to me? All I want to do is ride you to McDonald's!
You... big... whore. I don't know why I'm holding you like this. It must be very confusing.