How would you do a good modern Who game? I would do a choice based game where you play a CAC companion and the Doctor would be David Tennant (either 10th or 14th) and the storyline would be a original tale with classic villains
Funny Thought about the Daleks in Manhattan 2 parter
Am I stupid for watching Doctor Who from 1963?
Spotted today, had to share
What is your dream historical event / time frame for a doctor who episode ?
Watching the Pirate Planet
Human Nature by Paul Cornell
Do you think we'll see The Thals again?
First Classic Doctor you watched?
Did anyone else want the slugs to win in the Doctor Who episode Dot and Bubble after Lindy threw Ricky September under the bus?
Favorite Paul Cornell stories
Finished Krethusa the Croneseer!
Who is the hammiest Master?
What was your first memory of Doctor Who?
My first AoS paintjob, how do you like it?
Opinions on the Crizz stories?
This is the most insufferable novel I have ever read
Pretty much how their first kiss would look like *if they'll ever do it*
Transhuman Drawbacks
Finished Leontus
Next read?
A good reminder that GW is british
Today's arrivals
The Hollow King final thoughts
Landed 1st in local club painting comp!