Newest Goresh top ten
Today is a special day 😌
I cannot pull an ultra that’s not yellow
What UL character do you want to get a plat next?
Other sub mods are a bunch of no-life losers ngl
Good team? Jk lololol 5 copies in ~25k
What unit is top of your wishlist
I didn't summon for Ultra Cell
Could this be the new meta team?
Guess who got shafted?
New equips
Ultra Cell: reused animation, redone animation, and nothing new :/
Guys pls tell me we’re getting this td
Why does everyone in high ranks (65 and above) play like a p*ssy?
Only bait worth it imo
If you could have one current ultra unit at max stars, which unit would you choose.
Build his unique to make him a top 10 meta unit
Is it worth it?
New unique equipment for 2 LL characters coming
Remake Broly. Giving Gohan and Piccolo new forms. Making SSJ3 Vegeta and SSJ4 canon. What next ?
What are the chances of pulling double UL chat 🔥?
I fused all ultimate animations, Episode: Super Vegeta and Trunks